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Ministry Centre

Hi, I’m Ron Baker, son of Calvin and grandson of Carl. That is how I would introduce myself in a small church setting. Who you are is often as important as all your credentials.

I do have a Master of Divinity degree, along with a Master of Library Science degree.  My ministerial credentials include licensing with the Christian and Missionary Alliance for over 30 years, pastoring in a small church and serving on pastoral staff in a church of around 500 people.  I’ve been a registrar and director of admissions at a seminary, helped found a denominational archive and served as a librarian.  I’ve sung professionally and write for a living.  Oh, and my wife and I like to renovate – and even move – houses!  I have six children and four grandchildren.  And I’m excited about what the next half of my life is going to look like!!! Currently I work as the director of the Canadian Small Church Ministry Centre under the auspices of Small Church Connections.  Check out our website ( and social media presence.  We are here to serve the small church!