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Small Church Pastors’ Retreats – Maritimes

If you are a small church pastor, we want to give you the gift of a few days away in a quiet setting where you can be refreshed. This retreat is designed especially for the leader of a small church of 150 people or less in attendance on a Sunday morning.

Small Church Pastors’ Retreat – November 2024

Date: Monday, November 4, 2024 at 7:00 pm until Thursday, November 7, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.
Place: The Four Points by Sheraton, Moncton, New Brunswick
Cost: $175 per person $250 per couple (this covers hotel room and meals and the retreat)
Meals included except for Tuesday evening meal
Need to register before October 1, 2024. Numbers are limited.
Contact person: Gloria Johnston Administrative Assistant; 519-895-6799;


Monday Evening : Bob Cates – Magician and Comedian – you do not want to miss

Keynote speaker: Dr. Cheryl Ann Beals – Director of Sozo Centre for Soul Care

Guest Speaker: Dr. Sam Reimer – Caught in the Current – Changing Times

There will be time on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons to rest or go exploring in the Moncton area.

There will be workshops, given by fellow small church pastors, for you to attend.

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Cheryl Ann Beals

Soul Care – God’s Divine Invitation

Cheryl Ann Beals is the Director of The Sozo Centre for Soul Care for the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada (2013- ).

Cheryl Ann was a teacher of missionary children in Brazil, Christian Counsellor in private practice, provided Pastoral Support to churches, was Pastor and Canadian Ministries Manager with Canadian Baptist Ministries. She was ordained in London, Ontario by Sunrise Baptist Church, CBOQ, June 1998. She is a former pastor of Victoria Road United Baptist Church, Dartmouth, NS.. Cheryl Ann is part of the African United Baptist Association of Nova Scotia.

Cheryl Ann takes great pleasure in nurturing people and plants. Spiritual conversations about how God is at work thrill her. She enjoys spending time with friends and family; gardening, especially veggies & herbs; thrift shopping, and getting away with God on retreat.


Recovery and Prevention of Burnout” – Alan Klein

Alan Klein serves with Village Missions of Canada and has pastored in 3 churches in 3 different provinces. The small church, as we know, has unique challenges. One of them is to find the necessary time and to have resources for the local pastor to find ongoing renewal. In this workshop, Alan will share insights from personal burnout and provide some strategies for recovery and prevention of burnout.

Forgiveness” – Jeremy Marsh

In 2022, the Lord brought Jeremy to a place of healing and freedom which surprised him and has continued to bear good fruit since that time. A key theme in this was forgiveness. Amidst the telling of his story, Jeremy will share some of his learnings as to what forgiveness is, what it is not, what keeps us stuck, as well as some practices which will help in the pursuit of the peace and wholeness God offers us in Christ.

God has made Jeremy to be a curious learner who loves to share what he’s learned with others. His life has been greatly enriched by the seasons of camp ministry and ministry partnerships in Ecuador, interspersed throughout his more than 19 years spent serving at Fall River Chapel. Jeremy volunteers as a coach and helps lead the Leadership Academy in his local soccer club. Jeremy has been married to Sarah for 20 years and they have three boys between the ages of 11 and 15 years of age. Their appreciation of his sense of humor varies greatly from day to day.

The Significant Church” – Dr. Ron Johnston

For the past fifty years small church leaders have been told that to be really significant they have to become large. That simply is not so. God loves small churches. They are, however, different from large churches. This workshop will explore five truths about small churches that are unique to the small-church experience.

Dr. Ron Johnston is the Executive Director of Small Church Connections. He has pastored for over 30 years and has a love for the small church.

So You’re The Pastor’s Wife” – Gloria Johnston

This will look at the joys and sorrows of being a pastor’s wife. It will also look at what are some tools to help you survive but not only survive but hopefully enjoy it. It is not an easy role to be in but it is one that God has called us to.
Gloria Johnston is the Administrative Assistant for Small Church Connections.
She has been a Pastor’s wife for over 30 years and has also been a part-time pastor for the past year of a small church. She has gone through the joys and hardships and sorrows of raising a family in the midst of supporting her husband as he has pastored. She has also worked in order to supplement her husband’s salary.