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Small Church Pastors’ Retreats – Southern Ontario

If you are a small church pastor, we want to give you the gift of a few days away in a quiet setting where you can be refreshed. This retreat is designed especially for the leader of a small church of 150 people or less in attendance on a Sunday morning.

PLEASE NOTE: REGISTRATION FOR THIS RETREAT IS CLOSED. We are looking forward to meeting with those who have registered.

Date: Monday November 11, 2024 at 7:00 pm until November 14, 2024 at 10:00 am
Place: Cambridge Hotel Conference Centre
Cost: $175 per person; $250 per couple (this covers hotel room and meals and the retreat)
Meals: included except for Tuesday supper
Register: Need to register before September 29, 2024. Numbers are limited
Contact: Gloria Johnston – Administrative Assistant ;  519-895-6799;


Keynote Speaker: Dr. Darryl Dash – Hope and Encouragement for Ordinary Pastors

Guest Speaker: Dr. Sam Reimer – Caught In the Current

Comedian/magician Bob Cates – will be there on Monday evening. You will not want to miss him.

Tuesday night supper is not provided. This is a time for couples to have a date night supper or for groups of pastors to go out for supper.

There will be time on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons to rest or go exploring in the beautiful St. Jacobs area.

There will be workshops, given by fellow small church pastors, for you to attend. More information will follow and will be updated.

Keynote Speaker

Dr. Darryl Dash is pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto, and author of *How to Grow* and _8 Habits for Growth_. He is also cofounder of Gospel for Life. He has a Doctor of Ministry degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and has over 30 years of ministry experience. Darryl is married to Charlene. They have two adult children, and one grandchild. You can find Darryl online at


“Developing Roots: The Art of Rooting – Developing Community Connections” – Paulo Andrade

This workshop will focus on developing deep, contextual roots in our community. While we’ll take some time to reflect on “incarnational” theology, the true value of this workshop will be conversations and sharing of our unique stories of connection. How strong are your connections with folks within your local ministry context? We’ll learn from each other as we share our own experiences. I’ll share a few stories about using the local Timmies as a ministry space, serving as a chaplain at the local Legion, or collaborating with community leaders and volunteers as we run Five Fun Day – our local Summer Camp. Join us and come prepared to share, and together we’ll inspire and support another in the art of rooting.

Paulo Andrade has pastored various churches around the London area. Since 2019, he’s been the senior pastor at Grace Bible Chapel, Parkhill. He is married to Kathy and together they have 3 children. He has a BA in Christian Studies from Brierscrest College and Seminary,  and MDiv in Spiritual Care and Counselling from McMAster Divinity College.


Small Church, Big Reach– Joshua Stone

A history of how the Lord has used small churches at the forefront of the world missionary movement and how the Lord is continuing to use small faithful churches in a special way for the furtherance of His kingdom.

Joshua Stone attended Heritage Bible College and Seminary before pastoring Burks Falls Baptist and the Sundridge Gospel Mission. He is currently pastoring at Fellowship Baptist in Parry Sound, Ontario.

The Significant ChurchDr. Ron Johnston

For the past fifty years small church leaders have been told that to be really significant they have to become large. That simply is not so. God loves small churches. They are, however, different from large churches. This workshop will explore five truths about small churches that are unique to the small-church experience.

Dr. Ron Johnston is the executive director of Small Church Connections. He has been a pastor for over 30 years and loves the small church.


So You’re the Pastor’s Wife– Gloria Johnston

This will look at the joys and sorrows of being a pastor’s wife. It will also look at what are some tools to help you survive but not only survive but hopefully enjoy it. It is not an easy role to be in but it is one that God has called us to.

Gloria Johnston M.T.S is the Administrative Assistant for Small Church Connections. She has been a Pastor’s wife for over 30 years and has also been a part-time pastor for the past year. She has gone through the joys and hardships and sorrows of raising a family in the midst of supporting her husband as he has pastored. She has also worked in order to supplement her husband’s salary.
